Thursday, January 04, 2007

And the change begins

Well, I'm officially living on the ranch and I gotta tell you - its still a bit surreal. Moving on Saturday was completely chaotic as it turns out I have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!!! Here is a pic of the 4Runner packed to the limit (literally front to back, top to bottom) and this is the SECOND trip we made. We didn't fit everything into three vehicles on the first trip!

Anyway, here is my new home - the front door/porch anyway. It doesn't look like much but I actually like it. I especially like that its about 25 steps away from work!

Tuesday was my last day at CSAB and I must admit it was hard. For many reasons - I was stressed out about leaving loose ends, I was stressed about the change and I was sad to leave many friends. THat was my first real "grown up" job that lasted and it lasted 5 years! But I know I've made the right decision and despite the tears and sadness, it feels good to be here. So far my new job hasn't been so bad other than that it really doesn't feel like a job! I mean, I know that it is but I'm working in a house I'm familiar with so I just feel sort of like I'm cleaning my own house. Maybe thats a good thing, I don't know. But either way, its great. I'm sore - not used to so much vacuuming and lifting and being on my feet all day - but its a good sore. Anyway, I'm getting settled and hopefully it will only take a few weeks to really feel normal out here. I'm officially "Nanna Jan"!


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