Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cabin Fever

Well I am free at last after 3 days of being iced in! Friday Gidget and I drove to the mall in Forth Worth and spent 6 hours looking for a dress/shoes/jewelry that she could wear to the Governor's Innauguration ball (she and Andy were invited by their pastor). On our way home it was raining and we made it home before the sleet started. A mere day before it had felt like 80 outside and within 24 hours our world was frozen and glossy. I slept in on Saturday and then wandered over for lunch and spent the rest of the day watching movies with them because it was COLD outside and COLD in my little house! we got the call Saturday evening that church was cancelled so around 10 a.m. Sunday Gidget texted me that Andy was cooking breakfast. It was still chilly in my house so I bundled up and slipped and slid across the driveway for warmth, food and more movies. We watched Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring. Monday it wasn't any warmer, still very slipper and shiny outside and I had not slept well Sunday night. SO COLD. There are gaps in the door thats in my bedroom and the cold air was rushing through and across my face all night. I don't use the door to go in and out so it is now ducktaped. True country charm - ducktape on the door! I took a picture but my camera isn't downloading quickly for some reason so I'll post that pic later. Anyway, due to the cold and sleet, things were not looking good for the Austin trip. We had planned to leave Monday night (I was going along to care for the baby while they were gallavanting with the rich people) - but the news was telling us they were getting our "wintry mix" and it would be getting worse. Finally the decision was made that we would not go - it wasn't worth the risk. Despite the fact that Gidget and I had shopped for SO LONG and done SO WELL at staying within the budget! *sigh* Now she has a fancy outfit to wear and told Andy he has to take her somewhere super nice so she can wear it! I worked on Monday but Andy stayed home and so at 3 I went "off the clock" and we watched LOTR The Two Towers. After the ducktape and a sheet over the door, I slept much more comfortably last night and woke up to find it was slightly warmer (above freezing, yay!). I still slipped and slid over to the house and the wind was COLD but the sun was out. Unfortunately Gidget seems to be getting a cold - started out seemingly as allergies but has progressed since she can't take any medication. Hopefully Evy is not getting it. But thanks to a slight raise in the temperature, I made the venture into town to run to Wal Mart, Blockbuster, and back here at Beriyo for INTERNET! CONTACT WITH THE OUTSIDE WORLD! Out on the ranch, sleet/ice is even more trapping because our road is not "well travelled". Its one thing to choose to stay home, another to have no choice!
Life is good out here, but time really does seem to stand still. That part is strange and I'm not sure how long it will take to get used to it. But I'm trying. Things are looking good for a job at the church, its just a matter of time - not sure when it will all take place.
Hope you all stayed warm and are staying warm - I don't think the cold is close to over, although a very hopeful weather man stated it will be warmer this weekend!


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